Friday, September 3, 2010

The Tender Caress Sculpture

Look, let me break it down for you, fella. The ladies love a sensitive guy. They want a man who can be there for them not only physically, but emotionally too. They want this guy. The tender caress statue embodies the perfect balance of physical and emotional support any lady requires of her man. The statue man cradles his lady, giving her a feeling of security she hasn’t felt since she was a newborn. His appearance also works to put his lady at ease. Note the elfish haircut and delicate facial features. The slight tilt of his head. All signs pointing to a man who knows his way around a relationship talk.

By purchasing this statue, you can show any potential lady friends that not only will you showcase your sexual prowess in the bedroom, but you’ll also cuddle afterwards. This statue says to a lady, “Hey, I will tenderly caress you in all the right ways, and possibly some of the wrong ones, but only if you’re ok with that because I want to respect your boundaries”. Upon seeing this paragon of sculpted sensuality, your lady will know that you’re willing to wear pink, give backrubs, cry - whatever it takes to appear sensitive. Remember: instead of presenting your lady with a raging boner, try to show her your raging sense of empathy with this statue.

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