Monday, September 6, 2010

Memorial Tea Light Holder

What could be more meaningful than a Memorial Tea Light Holder in the wake of horrible tragedy? Tea lights are the universal sign of grief tinged with hope. A tea light says, “I may be in mourning right now, but by God, I swear to live the rest of my life to the fullest. I will not waste my remaining time with frivolous things. I mean to make something of this life, dammit.” There are those who would argue that tea lights are inherently frivolous, and to them I would say, “Not so.” After all, there’s a reason we hold candlelight vigils for those recently departed. Do you think we do that for laughs? Obviously not.

This particular tea light holder has been hand crafted to optimize condolences. The terra cotta outer shell is a pleasing brown color. Brown like the dirt your dearly departed now rests in. The holder comes complete with a beautiful copper cap to extinguish both the flame, and metaphorically, your loved one’s life. Inscribed on the terra cotta is a meaningful and unique quote to show how much thought was put into the purchase. “In Memory...of a Life so beautifully lived...a Heart so deeply Loved”. Truer words were never spoken.

Don’t know anyone recently passed? I’m sure you can think of someone. Maybe it’s a friend of a friend? And maybe they died a while ago. It may be too late for that acquaintance, but it’s never too late to give the Memorial Tea Light Holder. Now I know what you’re thinking. Won’t I be drudging up painful memories in the otherwise sunny lives of those I love? No. They’ll be touched that you still remember Great Aunt Belinda after 5 years. The memorial tea light holder is eternal, unlike our fleeting existence in this mortal coil. If you really can’t think of anyone who would benefit from this special gift right now, just hang on to it until needed. You never know when one of your friends or family will kick the bucket. And then won’t you look prepared.

Also, make sure to spring for a tea light to go inside the holder. Don’t be cheap, you insensitive bastard.

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