Sunday, September 12, 2010

Box of Laughter

You know you’re a funny person. But why don’t your friends ever laugh at your jokes? I’ll tell you why. They all suck. They’re horrible judges of humor because they’re either too sensitive or they simply don’t understand when something is funny. You need something that will appreciate your particular brand of humor no matter the situation. A friend who will always be there for you. Let me introduce to you the Box of Laughter. This little guy is eager to hear your hilarious quips and anecdotes. No story is “too long” or “too boring”. Your friends say your humor makes them uncomfortable? Well not this guy. He thinks your in-depth and graphic bowel movement jokes are hilarious. No need to fear the social backlash of racial and/or sexual humor. The box of laughter knows it was just a joke and that you’re not really a racist and/or sexist. Great for practicing stand up routines! Find out which jokes work and get your timing down. Also good to see which jokes fall flat (hint: none of them). You are amazing and it’s time someone noticed.

Also available, the box of applause, for the times you crave the recognition and praise you deserve.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Memorial Tea Light Holder

What could be more meaningful than a Memorial Tea Light Holder in the wake of horrible tragedy? Tea lights are the universal sign of grief tinged with hope. A tea light says, “I may be in mourning right now, but by God, I swear to live the rest of my life to the fullest. I will not waste my remaining time with frivolous things. I mean to make something of this life, dammit.” There are those who would argue that tea lights are inherently frivolous, and to them I would say, “Not so.” After all, there’s a reason we hold candlelight vigils for those recently departed. Do you think we do that for laughs? Obviously not.

This particular tea light holder has been hand crafted to optimize condolences. The terra cotta outer shell is a pleasing brown color. Brown like the dirt your dearly departed now rests in. The holder comes complete with a beautiful copper cap to extinguish both the flame, and metaphorically, your loved one’s life. Inscribed on the terra cotta is a meaningful and unique quote to show how much thought was put into the purchase. “In Memory...of a Life so beautifully lived...a Heart so deeply Loved”. Truer words were never spoken.

Don’t know anyone recently passed? I’m sure you can think of someone. Maybe it’s a friend of a friend? And maybe they died a while ago. It may be too late for that acquaintance, but it’s never too late to give the Memorial Tea Light Holder. Now I know what you’re thinking. Won’t I be drudging up painful memories in the otherwise sunny lives of those I love? No. They’ll be touched that you still remember Great Aunt Belinda after 5 years. The memorial tea light holder is eternal, unlike our fleeting existence in this mortal coil. If you really can’t think of anyone who would benefit from this special gift right now, just hang on to it until needed. You never know when one of your friends or family will kick the bucket. And then won’t you look prepared.

Also, make sure to spring for a tea light to go inside the holder. Don’t be cheap, you insensitive bastard.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The King's Royal Chalice

87% of men state that they don't have enough sex. Well, I don't really know, 83% of all statistics are made up. Okay, now I'm actively lying. The fact is, when it comes to sex, what is "enough"? Chaffing is probably bad, but as long as you stay on the comfortable side of inflammation, "too much" is the lie people tell in polite society so they don't appear to be degenerate libertines. But I digress. My point, as I meander slowly towards it, is this: think you aren't getting laid nearly enough? The answer to your problems lies within the goblets shown above (quite literally, as getting the other party liquored up never hurts your chances).

Why waste your time getting to know the other person when you can just bust out these babies? For the gents, these say you like to hold open doors, pull out chairs, pay for dinner, and have a nice drink to unwind after a hard day of LARPing in the woods behind your house. As for the ladies, with these gems, you tell that special lord there is a surprise hiding under the corset and chastity belt. Whether that surprise is a stuffed bra and the clap is just the luck of the draw (don't lie, we all know that lock to your belt has been picked by quite a few stable boys).

Note the fool's-gold sheen and the intricate design. There is even a convenient spot for personalization. Engrave the crap out of it. Initials in a fancy illuminated manuscript font, the family crest, the coat of arms you drew up with your D&D buddies, sky's the limit! And who doesn't love the taste of Franzia with a nice metallic finish? Give it a shot, really rounds out the fruity notes of the wine doesn't it?

Get these precious goblets before the next Renaissance Fair. You won't regret it. Or should I say, ye.

*Leather bound books and really shiny grapes not included.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Portable DVD Boom Box

So, you’re hanging at the boardwalk with a couple friends - listening to music and doing drugs, or whatever the kids are into nowadays - when all of the sudden everyone’s iPods stop working. Not everyone in the whole world (that would be weird), just yours and your friends’ iPods. You all stare blankly at each other, partially from shock, partially from the large quantities of drugs coursing through your systems. Finally, Billy suggests, “I guess we can just listen to [insert your name here]’s back up boom box”. Ashamedly, you look at the ground and sadly tell your friends, “But I don’t own a boom box”. Disgusted with your lack of preparation for a fun day out, your friends just get up and walk away. Billy spits on you, then calls the cops, which lands you in jail because no one took their drugs with them when they left. Now you’re in jail and you still don’t have a boom box.

That sucked, didn’t it? Alright, now let’s reimagine that situation. Your friends are hanging at the boardwalk (no drugs this time - they’re bad for you), when all of their iPods stop working. They look at each other stupidly (seriously, you should consider getting new friends). Suddenly, out of nowhere, a helicopter appears above the boardwalk. You do a flip from the helicopter landing rail and parachute down to your friends while wearing roller skates. They are stunned as you land in front of them carrying a Portable DVD Boom Box. “Out of tunes?” you smoothly ask. You all laugh at your hilarious quip and everyone congratulates you on thinking ahead. But Billy looks troubled. You say, “Why do you look so troubled, Billy?” “I’ve got this DVD of [insert popular 80s television show here] that I wanted to watch, but we’re nowhere near a home entertainment system!” “Oh, Billy”, you scold him, “Can’t you see that I’m holding the answer to your problems right here in my strong yet supple hands?” Slowly he realizes that your Boom Box is also a DVD player. “Hey, that’s a DVD player too! My problems are solved!” Once again, you’re a hero to all your friends. As everyone laughs in anticipation of the great day you will all have and at Billy’s simple mind, a great white shark jumps out of the water, headed straight for your group! You punch the shark right square in its face, and it falls to the ground dead. “Not today, shark”, you cleverly retort. Your one liners are especially spot on today. The mayor shows up and gives you a medal of honor for “sharkpunching and general awesomeness”. Alright, which situation was better?

I think you know what you need to do.

The Tender Caress Sculpture

Look, let me break it down for you, fella. The ladies love a sensitive guy. They want a man who can be there for them not only physically, but emotionally too. They want this guy. The tender caress statue embodies the perfect balance of physical and emotional support any lady requires of her man. The statue man cradles his lady, giving her a feeling of security she hasn’t felt since she was a newborn. His appearance also works to put his lady at ease. Note the elfish haircut and delicate facial features. The slight tilt of his head. All signs pointing to a man who knows his way around a relationship talk.

By purchasing this statue, you can show any potential lady friends that not only will you showcase your sexual prowess in the bedroom, but you’ll also cuddle afterwards. This statue says to a lady, “Hey, I will tenderly caress you in all the right ways, and possibly some of the wrong ones, but only if you’re ok with that because I want to respect your boundaries”. Upon seeing this paragon of sculpted sensuality, your lady will know that you’re willing to wear pink, give backrubs, cry - whatever it takes to appear sensitive. Remember: instead of presenting your lady with a raging boner, try to show her your raging sense of empathy with this statue.